Captain Knochenwald

(this was originaly suposed to be a serious creepypasta, and it is up on the creppypasta fandom page (maybe), but its so awfull and dumb and rushed and other thisgs that i decided to post it here too, strap yourselves in this is going to be a bumpy ride)
A group of tennagers were going to a forest to meet up with 2 friends. the group consisted of Jack, Alex, Alice and Fred and the 2 friends were ejff and his sister Jane. it was Jeff's birthday, so to celebrate, they decided to have a party in the middle of a forest, far away so that no one could bother them, how lovely.
upon ariving, the group got out of the car and started walking to a place Jane told them to stay and wait for her, after all, only Jeff and Jane knew the location of the party. so they proceeded to walk to their destination.
-so....what's so interesting about this forest- asked alice. after all, this forest seemed like any other forest, there was nothing really that interesting about it other then the trees being abnormaly large.
-well you see- say'd jack- this forest aint no ordinary forest. this is the forest of Captain Knochenwald.
- Captain Knochenwho? - asked Alice.
- Captain Knochenwald, a deranged maniac who would take his victims to this very forest, and kill them, then he would proceed to carve the flesh of the bones of the victim and bury the bones here. you see, knocenwald actually means bone forest in german wich would explain the bones and the weird look of the killer acording to the only who managed to survive a ecounter with the captain.
-what about it?
-the surviver described him, quote " a butcher nazi, with butcher gloves and long apron, and a nazi'ish uniform". she also say'd that she managed to escape because she stabbed the killer in the neck with a piece of bone buried in the dirt, but when the police arived, they found the bones but no killer. some say the woman was crazy and that the killer was made up, some say the killer is still alive and some say he died but came back from the dead.
-mate, that saunds like a buncha bollocks to me- say'd Alex- that captain knochenwald lad is saunding a lot more like knochenwanker, i really dont see a reason to be afraid, either this cunt is dead or he was never real to begin with.
-yeah whatever, are there yet?- asked Fred impaciently.
-almost- claimed Jack- and here we are, now lets just call Jane
and so they did
-Jane its us
-oh right, just a minute, Jeff!!!
in the distace
-ill go get the guys, behave yourself!
-yeah, fuck you very much, im not a kid
-(the jack) sorry guys, hes been driking already,(to jeff) HEY LEAVE SOME FOR THE REST!
-oh piss the fuck off
-god dammit, im coming guys
jeff was not the most likable person in the world, but they put up with him, that was just jeff's way to be, beside, while not sounding like it, jeff was a good friend.
jane arrives the spot where the guys are waiting.
-hey guys whats up.
-hey Jane- say'd JAck
everyone else say'd theyr hello's
-right this way- jane pointed- i better call Jeff to see how hes doing
call's jeff
-hey jeff
-hoi,im.... im doing pretty goodly and finest, thank you very much, please bring me the bitches.
-what? jeff ae you ok?
-jeff, god dammit, look jeff... jeff? .....................jeff! ah fuck, he's probably passed out, alright lets go.
when they arived, jeff was no where to be seen, however, his phone was just on the ground
-thats strange, even when drunk, jeff would never leave his phone behind
-do you think he wandered off?- asked alice
- maybe, we should go look for him- say'd fred
they looked, and looked, and looked but nothing
Fred, while looking for Jeff, found something odd, the ground, i seemed like someone had buried something there, so he went to look.
- G g guys, can you come here?- say'd Fred shaking
what they found, is probably what you think it is
bones, not only that, but still wet, with the fless carved off
(that was magical)